When you think UC Davis, you think blue and gold—and for good reason. Our blue and gold are unique within the system and represent us as Aggies at the very highest level. That said, it can be challenging for units within the Division of Student Affairs to set themselves apart if everyone is using the same primary colors. With that in mind, our units have been given permission to utilize the UC Davis secondary color palette as primary colors when communicating with current students.
Please note, there are several rules that Student Affairs units must follow regarding expanded usage of the secondary color palette:
- This exception is only for Student Affairs units communications with current students. Any communications with external audiences (prospective students, alumni, employers, parents, administrators, faculty, staff, community members, etc.) must use blue and gold as the primary colors.
- These colors can be used in a variety of ways, but they should never be used in the UC Davis logo or identity. The only approved colors for the logo are blue, gold, black or white.
- The only colors you may use in your designs are the colors in the UC Davis primary and secondary color palettes. There are no exceptions allowed.
Primary Colors
Aggie Blue
PMS Custom color in development
CMYK: 100/56/0/34
Aggie Gold
PMS 110 C
CMYK: 0/19/100/15
Digital Colors
Aggie Blue
HTML: #022851
RGB: 2/40/81
hsla(211, 95%, 16%, 1)
Aggie Gold
RGB: 255/191/0
hsla(45, 100%, 50%, 1)
Secondary Colors
Rec Pool
PMS Blue 0821 C
CMYK: 48/0/9/0
RGB: 111/207/235
hsla(194, 76%, 68%, 1)
PMS 306 C
CMYK: 75/0/5/0
HTML: #00B2E3
RGB: 0/178/227
hsla(193, 100%, 45%, 1)
PMS 2728 C
CMYK: 99/50/0/0
HTML: #0047BA
RGB: 0/71/186
hsla(217, 100%, 36%, 1)
PMS 302 C
CMYK: 100/48/12/58
HTML: #003A5D
RGB: 0/58/93
hsla(203, 100%, 18%, 1)
PMS 3242 C
CMYK: 44/0/20/0
HTML: #03F9E6
RGB: 3/249/230
hsla(175, 98%, 49%, 1)
PMS 3265 C
CMYK: 75/0/43/0
HTML: #00C4B3
RGB: 0/196/179
hsla(175, 100%, 38%, 1)
Putah Creek
PMS 3135 C
CMYK: 100/0/20/0
RGB: 0/142/170
hsla(190, 100%, 33%, 1)
PMS 330 C
CMYK: 93/14/53/57
HTML: #00524C
RGB: 0/82/76
hsla(176, 100%, 16%, 1)
Farmer’s Market
PMS 358 C
CMYK: 32/0/51/0
RGB: 170/218/145
hsla(99, 50%, 71%, 1)
PMS 346 C
CMYK: 52/0/50/0
RGB: 108/202/152
hsla(148, 47%, 61%, 1)
PMS 361 C
CMYK: 68/0/100/0
RGB: 61/174/43
hsla(112, 60%, 43%, 1)
PMS 7734 C
CMYK: 77/0/82/65
HTML: #266041
RGB: 38/96/65
hsla(148, 43%, 26%, 1)
Golden State
PMS 100 C
CMYK: 0/0/70/0
RGB: 255/255/59
hsla(60, 100%, 62%, 1)
PMS 1235 C
CMYK: 0/14/100/0
RGB: 255/220/0
hsla(52, 100%, 50%, 1)
PMS 144 C
CMYK: 0/50/100/0
HTML: #F18A00
RGB: 241/138/0
hsla(34, 100%, 47%, 1)
PMS 7567 C
CMYK: 10/66/98/57
HTML: #8A532F
RGB: 138/83/47
hsla(24, 49%, 36%, 1)
PMS 177 C
CMYK: 0/54/38/0
HTML: #FF8189
RGB: 255/129/137
hsla(356, 100%, 75%, 1)
PMS 1787 C
CMYK: 0/89/66/0
HTML: #F93549
RGB: 249/53/73
hsla(354, 94%, 59%, 1)
Double Decker
PMS 200 C
CMYK: 3/100/70/12
HTML: #C10230
RGB: 193/2/48
hsla(346, 98%, 38%, 1)
PMS 188 C
CMYK: 16/100/65/58
HTML: #79242F
RGB: 121/36/47
hsla(352, 54%, 31%, 1)
Thiebaud Icing
PMS 223 C
CMYK: 0/50/0/0
RGB: 240/149/205
hsla(323, 75%, 76%, 1)
PMS 225 C
CMYK: 0/100/2/0
HTML: #C6007E
RGB: 198/0/126
hsla(322, 100%, 39%, 1)
PMS 255 C
CMYK: 53/96/10/24
HTML: #76236C
RGB: 118/35/108
hsla(307, 54%, 30%, 1)
PMS 2627 C
CMYK: 80/100/6/38
HTML: #481268
RGB: 72/18/104
hsla(278, 70%, 24%, 1)
To learn more about the approved UC Davis colors, guidelines and accessibility standards, please visit UC Davis’ brand guide on colors.